This is probably a guy thing and the gals reading this are gonna go...what is with these guys, but bear with me anyways.
How many of you have walked beside a lake or a pond, then bent down to pick up a pebble, have thrown it level against the water and eagerly counted the number of skips it does before sinking in ? If you have'nt done it, then you are out of this universe. If you have done it, then welcome to the stone skippers club comprising of 99% of the guys in the known universe.
In case you belong to the club and have been wondering how to improve your skip count, the answer is in this equation.
Simple ain't it ? Looks like its all in the speed and the angle of delivery. Ok for the detailed explanation look at The Physics Web
How many of you have walked beside a lake or a pond, then bent down to pick up a pebble, have thrown it level against the water and eagerly counted the number of skips it does before sinking in ? If you have'nt done it, then you are out of this universe. If you have done it, then welcome to the stone skippers club comprising of 99% of the guys in the known universe.
In case you belong to the club and have been wondering how to improve your skip count, the answer is in this equation.
τ = (MR/ρS)-1/2/U
Simple ain't it ? Looks like its all in the speed and the angle of delivery. Ok for the detailed explanation look at The Physics Web